Tuesday, June 7, 2011

First Birthday

Birthday invitation designed by Lou.  I drew Fisher jumping off the high dive.
Penn's first birthday coincided with my largest deadline of the year so far (because isn't that how it always happens?).  I was working twice as much as normal and trying to study and make birthday crafts.  I didn't want his birthday to come and go and regret not being creative.  I stayed up late making cupcake banners and a happy birthday banner for the mantel.

No theme, just a birthday celebration.  I managed to squeeze 2 dozen balloons in my wagon before the party.  I started panicking as the sweet girl at Party City was blowing them up.  How had I misjudged the size of latex-helium-filled-everyday-birthday balloons?  Had to drive home without any mirrors.  Thankfully I had made this trip alone.  There wasn't even room for Mr. Baby.

He was still sleeping when all the guests had arrived.  He was so overwhelmed by all the people in our house that he wanted to be held the whole time.  The older he gets, the more shy he gets.  Everyone is always asking, "Is he always this quiet?" "Does he always just stare?"  No one ever believes us when we say no.  At home on a normal day he is a wild man.

 My mom made his cakes.

Homemade lemon curd cake with buttercream icing.  Everyone loved it, Penn included.  That baby loves some sour.

He started out incredibly meticulous with his smash cake; putting it back together as he broke it apart.  Then he decided to get messy.

So the little monster took a quick dip in the whale pool.

It was a beautiful afternoon and family stayed for a Memorial Day cook-out afterwards.


The whale pool got a little cold in the shade, but everyone sat around it like a water feature.

Baby loves his push-car from Gigi and Broman.  Fisher loves to chase him in it.  Penn giggles the whole time.

As usual, Lou jumped at the chance for a project and quickly assembled it during the party.  Penn could have slid all night.

The baby was worn out, but not as exhausted as we were.  I can't even imagine what my parents felt like after a birthday party with 20 friends at the skating rink?  or the CCJ?  We were only entertaining 15 family members and it took us 2 days to recover... and a week for me to finally take the decorations down.

It seems like only yesterday we were in the hospital with him.  I'm loving the toddler age, but he isn't my tiny baby anymore.  His birthday was bittersweet.  How has it been a year already?  I can admit I shed a few tears on his birthday.  Someone told me when you start missing those baby days it's time to have another.  Lou says, one and done.  I say, let's wait and see.

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